1Ltr PVA Wood Glue (D3)
Key Features
Suitable for use with virtually all woods
Extended opening time.
Modified mix provides higher performance with pine.
May be used with hot or cold presses.
Typical Properties:
Type: Reactive PVA Emulsion
Colour: White (clear when dry)
Viscosity: 9500 cps (Brookfield viscometer spindle 6, 20rpm)
Ph: 4
Minimum film forming temperature:
Solids content: 4.7%
Specific gravity: 1.10
Bonding conditions:
The adhesive substrates and ambient temperature should ideally be at a
minimum 20°C (68°C). The moisture content of wood materials should be uniform and not exceed 12%.
The adhesive can be applied by serrated glue spreader roller or brush.
Application is normally to one surface at a rate of 150gm/m² (0.5ozs / sq. ft).
Maximum 30 minutes depending on materials to be bonded. Assembly times
should be minimised at low wood moisture.
Pressure must be applied whilst the adhesive is still wet and should be a
minimum of 30psi (2kg/cm²) depending on type of wood and structure.
Press times:
Press times required, depend on adhesive coating and upon substrates.
Typical figures are:
Hot press Cold press
Decorative laminate/ 50°C - 8 mins 20°C - 20 mins
plywood or chipboard 60°C - 5 mins -
Packaging: Do not allow to freeze
Storage life not more than 6 months is recommended
Cleaning: Equipment should be cleaned with warm or cold water while the adhesive is still wet.
Conforms to the wear resistance DIN 68602 and to Category B. BS 4071, bond strength resistance to sustained load with freeze thaw stability.